Public Speaking (Period 1) Assignments

2019-20: 1st Quarter
2019-20: 2nd Quarter
2019-20: 3rd Quarter
2019-20: 4th Quarter
High School

Public Speaking is a semester long elective course that will provide students with the basic skills needed in a variety of personal and public interactions within today’s society. We will introduce students to skills that will increase their effectiveness in communicating information and that will help them become better speakers and better listeners. Students will learn the fundamentals of public speaking including use of voice, nonverbal delivery, use of language, audience analysis and topic selection, organization of thoughts, speech delivery, and speech evaluation. As a result, students should see growth in their organizational and research skills, their critical thinking ability, their listening skills, and their self-confidence.

Students will gain practice in conducting interviews, introducing themselves and others, effectively using their voice to read aloud, giving demonstrations, and preparing and giving various types of speeches (demonstration, informational, devotional, persuasive, special occasion etc.). Students will also gain practice in analyzing the impact and effectiveness of a speech.

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Hello Reading students!  Today is an optional reading day for you.  You may certainly continue to read and log your pages, especially if you are behind a bit in your reading over the past few days.  Remember, I am asking you to commit to reading 4 days a week for 45-50 minutes per day and to log your entries.  
    But today, I would like you to think about preparing for our upcoming Book Talks which will be conducted over the next few days.  So here's your assignment:  Choose a book that you have read for Reading for Pleasure or one that you are currently reading for this class.  Stay away from talking about a book you have read for another class. Prepare a brief book talk.  I would encourage you to write down what you want to share.  Here's what you need to include in your book talk:  name of book, author, genre or type of book, who the main characters are, where and when the story takes place, a very brief summary of what the book is about (without giving away the ending).  Also tell us what you especially liked about the book or what you learned from reading it.  Finish out by telling us how long the book is and whether it is an easy, average, or challenging read.  If you want, you can mention the kind of vocabulary used (easy to understanding, difficult, lots of unknown words.....).  End your book talk by letting us know if you would recommend the book or not and why.  What would you give it in terms of stars:  a one?  a four?  a five?  Give us your rating.
      Tomorrow I will post how we are going to give our Book Talks.  Hope you are all well!  I miss reading with you!



In class (1-29-2020):  Watched two videos on why we should read and some tips for reading for pleasure.  Students completed an on-line a reading level assessment using myOn.  Assigned:  Complete your reading survey for tomorrow.  Also read through the quotes on reading and choose 5 that speak to you personally.  Due tomorrow, Jan. 30.  



In class (1-17-2020):  Students continued to present their informative speeches in front of the class while audience members evaluated.  Assigned:  Be prepared to write a reflection as part of your final exam on Tuesday, Jan. 21.  You should be able to discuss the skills that make for a good public speaker, including how to organize a speech, and the necessary verbal skills and non-verbal skills. You should also be prepared to write on how you have personally improved in your speaking skills this semester and to identify what skills you still need to work on. You will also be asked to give a short impromptu speech on a topic you will select from a list provided by Mrs. Claudio on test day. 



In class (1-15-2020):  Students continued to present their informative speeches in front of the class, while the audience evaluated and provided feedback.  Assigned:  If you have not yet presented your informative speech, be prepared to do so.  Make sure you practice ahead of time and be ready to turn in to Mrs. Claudio your written materials.  



In class (1-14-2020):  Students continued to present their informative speeches to the class.  Assigned:  If you have not yet presented your speech, be prepared to do so.  Be sure to practice giving your speech out loud before you come to class.



In class (1-13-2020):  Students continued to present their informative speeches to the class while students in the audience evaluated.  Assigned:  If you have not yet presented your informative speech, please be ready to do so.  



In class (1-9-2020):  Students began presenting their informative speeches to the class while students in the audience evaluated the presentations.  Assigned:  Be ready to give your speech in the order you signed up.  All speeches should be ready to be presented tomorrow, Jan. 10.



In class (1-8-2020):  Reviewed how to prepare for our upcoming informative speech.  Students signed up for the order in which they will present and continued to work on finalizing their informative speeches.  Listened to our final group newscast presentation.  Assigned:  Complete and practice your informative speech.  Be ready to present beginning tomorrow, Jan. 9.  Be prepared to turn in to Mrs. Claudio your research notes, a copy of your outline or note cards that you use to present your speech, and a works cited page for your research.  



In class (1-7-2020):  Went over how to organize an informative speech (handout).  Students shared with the instructor how they planned to organize the information they have gathered in their research (by time, by space, by categories/topics, or by cause and effect). Watched a sample informative speech noting the introduction, body, and conclusion as well as the method used to organize the information.  Assigned:  Continue to work on preparing your informative speech. Speeches will be presented starting Thursday, Jan. 9.



In class (1-6-20):  Reviewed the topics students have chosen for their informative speeches.  Students continued to do research on their topics.  Students watched a video on how to organize their informative speech.  Assigned:  Complete all research for your informative speech by tomorrow, Jan. 7.  You should be able to cite at least 2 different sources. 



In class (12-19-19):  Students continued to do research and take notes on their chosen topic in preparation for their upcoming informative speeches.  Assigned:  All information should be researched and gathered (notes) for upcoming informative speeches beginning January 8th and 9th.



In class (12-18-19):  Students refined their topics for our informative speech assignment and then did research on their topic, taking notes.  Assigned:  Be prepared to continue researching your topic for your informative speech.  Notes on your research are due tomorrow, Dec. 19.



In class (12-17-19):  Reviewed the informative speech assignment that was introduced yesterday.  Watched a video on how to pick a good topic for an informative speech.  Students worked on finalizing their topic for their informative speech.  Students began doing research on their chosen topic.  Assigned:  Begin to research information that you can use in your speech and take notes.  Notes are due, along with a works cited page, on Thursday, Dec. 19.  Informative speeches will be presented shortly after we return in January.  



In class (12-16-19):  Introduced the basics of informative speeches (handout).  Gave out an assignment to prepare an informative speech on a topic of their choice (handout).  Handed out some suggested topics for informative speeches (handout). Assigned:  Choose a topic for your informative speech.  Due tomorrow, Dec. 17.



In class (12-13-19):  Students continued to present their group news broadcasts.  Assigned:  If you have not yet done so, be prepared to present your news broadcast on Monday, Dec. 16.  



In class (12-12-19):  Students began presenting their group news broadcasts and the audience evaluated each presentation.  Assigned:  If you have not yet presented your news broadcast, please be prepared to do so tomorrow, Dec. 13.



In class (12-11-19):  Students practiced their news broadcasts in their groups thinking through how they want to arrange desks, chairs, PowerPoint, props, etc.  Assigned:  Be ready to present your group news broadcast tomorrow in front of the class.  Be sure to turn in a copy of your script to Mrs. Claudio.



In class (12-10-19):  Students worked in their groups refining scripts and practicing their upcoming news broadcast presentation.  Watched a video of a high school news broadcast.  Assigned:  Prepare a copy of your final script to hand in to Mrs. Claudio tomorrow. Group news broadcasts will be presented on Thursday and Friday of this week, Dec. 11 and 12. 



In class (12-9-19):  Students worked in their groups on their news broadcast finishing up scripts or beginning to practice.  Assigned:  Have a full script of your news broadcast ready for Mrs. Claudio by tomorrow.  Make sure that your script is edifying, speaks Life, and adds value to your listeners.  



In class (12-6-19):  Students worked in groups preparing their scripts for their news broadcasts.  Scripts are due on Monday, Dec. 9.  Assigned:  Write out a script of your report for your news broadcast assignment.  Due Monday, Dec. 9.



In class (12-5-19):  Students worked in their groups on their news broadcast. Assigned:  Write up a script of what you will be reporting on for your broadcast.  Begin writing transitions between reporting segments, and determine how you will open and close your broadcast.  Scripts need to be completely written by Monday, Dec.9.



In class (12-4-19):  Went over different types of transitional phrases that news reporters use to move from one segment of the news to another (handout).  Watched a video of a high school news broadcast. Students worked in their groups preparing their news broadcast.  Assigned:  Begin writing your scripts for the topics you will be reporting on.  Scripts need to be completed by Monday, Dec.9.



In class (12-3-19):  Listened to our last Sales Presentation speech.  Reviewed the group news broadcast assignment from yesterday.  Students worked in their groups planning what topics they will be reporting on for their broadcast.  Assigned:  Give Mrs. Claudio the names of the students who are in your group, who the anchor person will be, and what each group member will be reporting on. News broadcasts will be presented next week in class. 



In class (12-2-19):  Listened to two more Sales Presentation speeches.  Introduced our next project:  a group newscast.  Brainstormed topics that are covered in a news broadcast as well as some of the main issues of our day.  Students formed groups and began planning their news broadcast.  Assigned:  In groups of 4 or 5 prepare a news broadcast covering topics of your choice.  Each person should report on 1-2 items, and you should choose an anchorman/woman to move you through the reporting (handout). Each person needs to prepare their own script for their report.  A typewritten copy should also be prepared for Mrs. Claudio.  We will work on this project this week and present early next week.  



In class (11-15-19):  Students continued to present their Sales speeches in front of the class with the rest of the class evaluating speeches for verbal and non-verbal effectiveness, and overall effectiveness in promoting the product.  Assigned:  If you have not yet presented your speech, be ready to do so on Wednesday, Nov. 27.  



In class (11-22-19):  Students continued to present their Sales speeches while students in the audience evaluated effective verbal and non-verbal skills as well as the overall effectiveness of the presentations.  Assigned:  If you have not yet given your Sales Presentation speech, be prepared to do so on Monday.  All speeches need to be completed before our Thanksgiving break.



In class (11-21-19):  Students continued giving their Sales Presentations to the class while class members evaluated the speeches for verbal and non-verbal skills as well as for overall effectiveness in promoting their product.  Assigned:  If you have not yet presented your speech, be ready to do so tomorrow.  Be sure to bring your product with you along with any other necessary materials.  Due tomorrow, Nov. 22.



In class (11-20-19):  Students continued to present their Sales Presentation speeches and evaluated one another for effective use of voice and non-verbal skills as well as overall effectiveness in promoting a product.  Assigned:  If you have not yet given your Sales Presentation speech, be prepared to do so tomorrow.  Be sure and bring your product with you and all other necessary materials.  



In class (11-19-19):  Went over the grading criteria for our Sales Presentation speeches.  Passed out evaluation forms to students who will mark speeches on verbal effectiveness, non-verbal skills, the hook and wrap-up of each speech, and its overall effectiveness. Students began presenting their Sales Presentations to the class.  Assigned:  Be ready to present your speech tomorrow.  Be sure to bring your product with you.



In class (11-18-19):  Checked planning sheets for our upcoming Sales Presentation speech.  Went over some steps to follow in presenting a sales speech.  Students signed up for the order in which they wish to present, beginning tomorrow.  Watched a couple of video sales presentations as examples of what and what not to do.  Assigned:  Be ready to give your Sales Presentation speech according to the sign-up list.  The first 5 or 6 students should be ready to present tomorrow.



In class (11-14-19):  Students worked on research and planning for their upcoming Sales Presentation speeches.  Assigned:  Continue working on your planning sheet in preparation for your speech.  Planning sheets will be due on Monday, Nov. 18.



In class (11-13-19):  Listened to our last demonstration speech.  Reviewed the steps to be included in the upcoming Sales Presentation speeches.  Discussed some ideas for products that could be sold or promoted (from yesterday's handout).  Students worked on choosing a specific product to sell/promote as well as researching the company that manufactures the product.  Assigned:  Please choose a specific product to sell and have a good start on researching the company.  Due tomorrow.



In class (11-12-19):  Listened to one more demonstration speech.  Continued to discuss persuasive strategies and how to develop a speech to persuade (handout).  Discussed the motivational sequence that students will put into practice in their upcoming Sales Presentation Speech (handout).  Students began brainstorming with a partner or in groups specific products that they might choose to sell or promote in their upcoming speech (handout). Assigned:  Be thinking about a product you wish to promote or sell in your Sales Presentation Speech.  If you have a laptop, bring it to class tomorrow. 



In class (11-8-19):  Reviewed Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and discussed how these might be used as appeals in a persuasive speech.  Reviewed the use of logos (logic), ethos (credibility), and pathos (emotions) in a sales presentation.  Watched a variety of commercials and students identified the type of appeal that was used in each one.  No assignment.



In class (11-7-19):  Students shared with the class the verbal and non-verbal skills they would like to improve over the next quarter.  Read through an article on persuasive speeches (handout).  Watched a video on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.  Began reading through an article covering persuasive strategies (handout), all in preparation for a sales presentation speech that students will be working on.  No assignment.



In class (11-6-19):  Finished up demonstration speeches today.  Reviewed in class the skills we have been working on:  verbal and non-verbal.  Also discussed the verbal and non-verbal mannerisms and are a distraction for listeners.  Students self-evaluated on which skills they need to work on to improve and which distracting mannerisms they need to set aside.  No assignment.



In class (11-9-19):  Students continued to present their demonstration speeches to the class, while students in the audience evaluated the presentations.  Assigned:  If you have not yet presented your speech, be prepared to do so tomorrow.  Also please bring with you all equipment/supplies that you will need for your demonstration speech.  Due tomorrow, Nov. 6.



In class (11-4-19):  Students continued to present their demonstration speeches to the class, while class members evaluated each presentation.  Assigned:  If you have not yet presented, be prepared to give your demonstration speech tomorrow, Nov. 5.  Bring with you all necessary materials.



In class (11-1-19):  Students continued to present their demonstration speeches to the class, while students in the audience evaluated each presentation.  Assigned:  If you have not yet presented your speech, be prepared to do so.  Be sure to bring all materials that you need for your presentation.  Due Monday, Nov. 4.



In class (10-31-19):  Students continued to present their demonstration speeches to the class, while students completed evaluations of these presentations.  Assigned:  Be prepared to give your demonstration speech, if you have not yet done so.  Be sure to bring all of your necessary materials/equipment with you.  Due tomorrow, Nov. 1.



In class (10-30-19):  Students continued to present their demonstration speeches to the class. Students in the audience evaluated each speech for introduction, conclusion, effective demonstration techniques, effective use of voice, and non-verbal communication. Assigned:  Be prepared to present your speech tomorrow, bringing with you all of your necessary equipment.



In class (10-29-19):  Students continued to present their demonstration speeches in class while students in the audience evaluated the presentations.  Assigned:  Be ready to present your demonstration speech in class. Be sure to bring all of your necessary equipment to class with you.  Due Oct. 30 through Nov. 1.



In class (10-28-19):  Listened to student presentations of demonstration speeches.  Assigned:  Be prepared to give your demonstration speech to the class.  Be sure to bring all the materials you will need to give your demonstration.  Due tomorrow, Oct. 29 through the rest of the week.



In class (10-25-19):  Discussed with each individual student their plan for their assigned demonstration speech.  Watched 2 more demonstration speeches on YouTube and evaluated them for effectiveness.  Assigned:  Be prepared to give your demonstration speech beginning Monday, Oct. 28. Be sure to bring all the materials that you will need to give your speech.



In class (10-24-19):  Listened to a final famous speech presentation by a student.  Students shared their chosen topics for their demonstration speeches.  Watched some sample demonstration speeches (videos), and students shared their observations on facial expressions, body movement, explanations,use of materials/props, introductions, and conclusions.  Assigned:  Have your planning sheet complete for your demonstration speech.  Due tomorrow, Oct. 25.



In class (10-23-19):  Heard two more famous speech presentations.  Reviewed the demonstration speech assignment.  Went over a list of possible topics for the speeches (handout).  Students began working on a planning sheet for their speech.  Assigned:  Choose a topic for your demonstration speech by tomorrow.



In class (10-22-19):  Watched two videos on the power of non-verbal communication.  Read through a handout on non-verbal delivery.  Students practiced acting out phrases with gestures, movements, and facial expressions.  Went over our new speech assignment:  a demonstration speech that will be presented starting Monday, Oct. 28 (handout).  Assigned:  Begin thinking about a topic for your demonstration speech.



In class (10-21-19):  Reviewed what we have covered so far this year in Public Speaking.  Went over the elements of non-verbal communication:  eye contact, posture, stance, appearance, movement, gestures, and facial expressions.  No assignment.



In class (10-11-19):  Students continued to present excerpts from famous speeches implementing effective use of their voice with volume, rate of speech, pauses, word emphasis, and intonation.  Assigned:  If you have not yet presented your speech, be ready to do so on Tuesday, Oct. 15.  



In class (10-10-19):  Students began presenting their excerpts from a famous speech, focusing on using their voice effectively with volume, rate of speech, pauses, emphasis, and expression.  Assigned: If you have not yet presented, be prepared to do so tomorrow.  Have 2 copies of your marked manuscript with you.  Due Oct. 11.



In class (10-9-19):  Students worked in class preparing for presenting a section of a famous speech to the class.  Students spent time marking their manuscripts for pauses, emphasis, volume and rate of speech.  Assigned:  Read through and practice aloud your speech to present to the class tomorrow.  Bring with you 2 copies of your manuscript marked with notes for effective use of voice.  Due tomorrow Oct. 10.



In class (10-8-19):  Reviewed how to mark one's manuscript for vocal variety.  Students read aloud the excerpts from Ronald Reagan's speech to the UN, implementing the marks they had made on their manuscripts for homework.  Watched Ronald Reagan giving this speech and evaluated his use of pauses and word emphasis.  Students worked the rest of the period on the following assignment. Assigned:  Choose a famous speech (see handout) and then a portion of the speech that you will read aloud to the class.  Print out 2 copies of what you will read and mark each copy for pauses, emphasis, volume, rate, etc.  These speeches will be presented to the class beginning Thursday or Friday, Oct 10 or 11.



In class (10-7-19):  Reviewed aspects of good articulation and some pitfalls to avoid.  Students practiced using the parts of their mouths well to articulate effectively by practicing tongue twisters with a partner.  Introduced how to plan vocal variables by marking up a manuscript for pauses, emphasis, volume, and rate.  Students worked through a segment of Ronald Reagan's 1985 speech to the United Nations marking the text for effective use of voice (handout).  Assigned:  Complete the marking the Ronald Reagan's speech and be prepared to read it aloud tomorrow.



In class (10-4-19):  Finished the readings of children's books aloud to the class.  Reviewed the 4 parts of voice production.  Went over articulation/enunciation and some of the common problems we face with articulation:  dropping word endings, running words together, substituting sounds, and adding sounds.  Discussed ways to improve articulation.  Watched a video on 79 of the most commonly mispronounced words.  With a partner, students talked through a list of pronunciation errors.  No assignment.



In class (10-3-19):  Listened to one student read aloud from their children's book.  Continued discussing the effective use of voice highlighting volume, intensity, emphasis, rate, pitch, inflection, pause, and framing.  Students practiced with their partners various ways of using their voice:  emphasis, inflection, rate of speech, pitch, etc. No assignment. 



In class (10-2-19):  Students continued to read their chosen children's stories aloud to the class, demonstrating effective use of voice.  Began reading together a handout on "Using Our Voice" covering the topics of volume, intensity, and emphasis.  Assigned:  If you have not yet read your children's story aloud to the class, be prepared to do so tomorrow.



In class (10-1-19):  Students continued to read their chosen children's story aloud in front of the class.  Assigned:  If you have not yet read your story aloud to the class, be prepared to do so tomorrow.



In class (9-30-19):  Students continued to read to the class their chosen children's book, demonstrating effective and expressive use of voice.  Assigned:  If you have not yet read your story, be prepared to do so tomorrow, Oct. 1.



In class (9-27-19):  Students began presenting their children's story read aloud to the class.  Assigned:  Practice reading your chosen story aloud effectively using your voice, and be ready to read it to the class on Monday, Sept. 30.



In class (9-26-19):  Went over how to prepare for reading aloud a children's story book, thinking about volume of voice, rate of speech, emphasis, pronunciation of words, variety of expression, and how to hold your book and turn pages.  Students practiced reading aloud their chosen books with a group of students.  Assigned:  Be prepared to read your book aloud with good expression to the class tomorrow, Sept. 27.



In class (9-23-19):  Reviewed what we covered last week on the difference between hearing and listening, the different levels of listening, and what interferes with us listening well.  Students watched and took notes on two videos:  Conscious Listening and Listening Skills.  No assignment.



In class (9-20-19):  Listened to our last "Any Old Bag" speech.  Discussed the results of our self-evaluations on our listening skills, identifying our weaknesses.  Discussed the difference between hearing and listening as well as the different levels of listening.  Also discussed both the physical and mental hindrances to actively listening. Pointed out some helps to improve our listening skills.  Students took notes.  Completed a listening exercise in class to highlight the many sounds around us that we don't really hear or pay attention to.  No assignment.



In class (9-19-19):  Students finished giving their "Any Old Bag" speeches.  Students evaluated the presentations noting who they think did the best job and why.  Began discussing the art of listening, and students shared their strategies for active listening.  Students completed two listening quizzes to self-evaluate how good of a listener they actually are.  Assigned:  If not already finished, complete the two self-assessments on listening skills (handouts).  



In class (9-18-19):  Students continued to present their "Any Old Bag" speeches.  Assigned:  Students who have not yet presented their speech need to be ready to present tomorrow...Thursday, Sept. 19th.  



In class (9-17-19):  Students continued to present their "Any Old Bag" speeches.  Assigned:  If you have not yet presented your speech, be prepared to do so tomorrow. Be sure to bring your bag and props with you. 



In class (9-16-19):  Students began presenting their "Any Old Bag" speeches and also evaluated each other on eye contact, voice, in-depth information, and organization of ideas.  Watched a few more sample speeches and critiqued them.  Assigned:  All students need to be ready to present their "Any Old Bag" speech tomorrow.  Be sure to bring your bag and props to school tomorrow, Sept 17. 



In class (9-13-19):  Reviewed our model for public speaking:  SPAM - situation, purpose, audience, method. Analyzed and discussed former President Barak Obama's eulogy for Sen. John McCain for these four elements.  Checked students planning sheets for their "Any Old Bag" speech.  Reviewed how to best prepare for this speech.  Went over how to build good listening skills for both an audience and speaker (handout). Assigned:  Prepare your "Any Old Bag" speech and be ready to present to the class either Monday Sept. 16 or Tuesday Sept. 17.   



In class (9-11-19):  Reviewed the 5 levels of communication and what is involved in the process of communication.  Completed a diagram illustrating this process.  Introduced our next speech assignment: The Any Old Bag Speech (handout).  Students will select a bag and 3 items that are meaningful to them or represent them in some way to share with the class.  Passed out a planning sheet to prepare for the speech.  Watched a couple of sample speeches.  Assigned:  Work on your planning sheet preparing for your speech.  Planning sheets are due on Friday, Sept. 13.  Speeches are due on Monday, Sept.16.



In class (9-12-19):  Briefly reviewed the details of the "Any Old Bag" speech assignment given out yesterday.  Went over a model for public speaking (SPAM) and students took notes (handout).  Watched and listened to former President Barak Obama's eulogy at Sen. John McCain's funeral.  Students took notes analyzing the situation, purpose, audience, and methods of this speech.  Assigned:  Complete your planning sheet for your "Any Old Bag" speech.  Due tomorrow, Sept. 13.



In class (9-10-19):  Reviewed how to introduce others, and students practiced introducing their peers.  Students took notes on terminology used to describe the process of communication (handout).  Students began copying a diagram illustrating this process.  No assignment.



In class (9-9-19):  Finished up the interview presentations and handed out prizes for the best presentations.  Discussed chapel expectations.  Watched a video on how to correctly introduce someone and went over the steps of introducing someone to others (handout).  No assignment.



In class (9-6-19):  Students completed their oral presentations introducing to the class the person they interviewed.  Students voted on who they thought gave the 3 best presentations.  Students also wrote on what they have learned over the past week on how to have a good conversation or how to interview someone.  No assignment.



In class (9-5-19):  Students orally introduced the classmate they interviewed and also evaluated the presentations of other students.  Assigned:  If you did not present today, be ready tomorrow to tell us about the person you interviewed.



In class (9-4-19):  Reviewed some of the key points in effectively conducting an interview.  Students interviewed their assigned person, asking their questions and taking notes.  Assigned:  Put your notes into a logical order and be prepared to introduce the person you interviewed to the class.  You will be evaluated by the class on your eye contact, use of voice, the quality and depth of information you secured, and the degree to which you logically present your information. Due tomorrow.



In class (9-3-19):  Discussed how to conduct an in-person interview (handout) and how to prepare good interview questions.  Assigned:  Write out 1 to 15 good interview questions that you will use tomorrow to interview a classmate. Leave space for taking notes as you interview your person.  Due tomorrow. 



In Class:  Discussed the video we watched in class yesterday on Ten Ways to a Better Conversation. Discussed the speakers hook, use of voice, body language, facial expressions, and gestures.  Also went over her ten tips on how to have a better conversation, and students self-assessed on each point.  Students practiced with various partners having a sustained conversation on a variety of topics.  No assignment over the weekend.



In class:  Discussed where in life we use public speaking skills and what benefits we receive from becoming more skilled in the art of public speaking.  Went over the syllabus and course procedures. In preparation for our initial focus on having effective conversations and interviewing one another, students watched and took notes on a video entitled Ten Ways to Have a Better Conversation.  Assigned:  From your notes on the video, self-assess which of the ten items (discussed in the video) apply to you.  Be prepared to share tomorrow in class.  Syllabus signature forms are due on Friday, Sept. 6.



Welcome to Public Speaking!  Introduced ourselves to one another.  Discussed with partners and as a class what we are afraid of and why speaking in front of other people is so frightening.  Discussed what our bodies do when we are anxious or afraid.  Discussed goals for this class.  No assignment.